The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134346 Message #3080019
Posted By: Bobert
22-Jan-11 - 10:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: New Beginnings - new foundation (maeve & TL)
Subject: RE: BS: New Beginnings - new foundation (maeve & TL)
I don't recommend it... The house I grew up in was built in 1840 and it had rats... Lot's of rats... So when I got to be about 10 years old my dad appointed me "Rat Sheriff" which I thought was a purdy good job 'cause it paid well... 25 cents per rat... Dead, of course... So I made a trap from a Popular Mechanics magazine design outta heavy chicken wire and wood and the rats loved it... It'd put it in the dirt cellar and about every other day there would be a rat in it waiting to be taken out back in the trap and, well, ahhhhh, shot with my .22 rifle... On a good week I'd net 75 cents whioch was good money fir back then...
But the down side of havin' rats was when they would pick anotheer way to die they would become ratsulation and lemme tell you that dear rats don't smell too good... I mean, once you smell a dead rat that smell like never goes away... I mean, it's like U-237 uranium... It has no half life to speak of so Mr. Rat just keeps on smellin and keeps on smellin'...
I ride by the ol' homestead now and then an wonder if all the ratsulation is still stenkin' up the joint... Probably is...