The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25889   Message #308012
Posted By: Thomas the Rhymer
29-Sep-00 - 01:57 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Seasonal Almanac
Subject: RE: Mudcat Seasonal Almanac
Amergin, you drive past my place and you don't even know it... I look out at the beautiful St. John's Bridge, in all it's gothic splendor. I love driving under it, looking up at the rows of pointed arches!

Queen Anne's lace has a few white (with that one tiny red) flowers, mostly crones. our stream down the street is still dry, it is still the end of summer. Ornamental Maples are turning reddish, in veined variations, and gum (sweet gum) is getting that dark red variegation. We have a popular succulent here that sends an umbel-like pink flower and lots of them are blooming.

Sprinkles on my windsheild tonite means warmer night tonite. Squashes are still producing, tho fungus has overtaken. Clay soil has hardened like cement in the areas that recieve little water. Squirels are looking busier now, and birds have lost their care free ways.

Mt. St. Helens got snow on it's rim last week 7-8000 ft., but its mostly gone. I saw a crokus in bloom today. Dog caught a garter snake. Leaves on some lawns are beginning to cover it. Saw my first raker in action. We are waiting, patiently, for the rains.

Whole maples are dark green, whole forests of that clearcut tree the alder, are shaded with healthy green leaves. Cosmos in bloom, sunflowers finishing off. ttr