The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135123   Message #3080767
Posted By: MGM·Lion
23-Jan-11 - 01:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: The concept of 'punishment'
Subject: RE: BS: The concept of 'punishment'
I "appear to be confusing democracy with mob rule" - sez Jim.

Jim, oblige me, if you would be so good, with an etymological, semantic, philosophical, ethical, and convincing summary of the difference. And explain to me, please, while about it, how it is possible, and how it is not an impertinence, for a self-proclaimed believer in democracy to express himself "disappointed" at the result of a properly administered referendum. (I would point out that your calling to aid a reference to the BNP, as you did last time, is likely to prove counter-productive ~~ their democratic electoral achievements have not been particularly spectacular, have they? Count their MPs ~ NONE; & their elected Councillors ~ 2, is it?!}

I merely crave enlightenment and information.
