The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135123   Message #3081226
Posted By: Jim Carroll
24-Jan-11 - 04:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: The concept of 'punishment'
Subject: RE: BS: The concept of 'punishment'
Sorry Mike - I really don't know where your argument is going.
We have a form of democracy in Britain and Ireland; not perfect by any means, but certainly not comparable to Nazi Germany, but there have been those......
We have had (and still do) politicians who would manipulate and over-ride that democracy to pursue their own ends and philosophies - Thatcher being one of the best examples in recent history. She didn't believe in the welfare state ("there is no society") and didn't approve of Trades Unionism, so she did her best to destroy them both. Her friendship, and obvious admiration for Auguste Pinoche indicated that, had she thought she could get away with it, she would have been prepared to use the tactics he employed in Chile. That's about as close we have come to the jackboot in recent times.
May her soul writhe in agony (pity I don't believe in souls).
I find it bizarre that you appear to equate mob rule with democracy (if I have got you right - if I haven't, I apologise in advance).
Mob rule, for me, is power by pressure of numbers; no debate, no vote, no real consensus, (usually headed by charismatic and influential leaders not unsimilar to our own tabloid press); just an unstoppable movement aimed at dragging the prisoner out of the jailhouse and getting the rope over the nearest tree!
Is that really how you see democracy?
I can't think of a perfect democratic society; Ancient Greece, the so-called "Cradle of Democracy", was founded on a slave system which deprived a considerable percentage of the population a say in their own lives, let alone in affairs of state.
Democracy is an aim, more distant in some places than in others, but still well worth pursuing.
Jim Carroll