The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25913   Message #308170
Posted By: mousethief
29-Sep-00 - 11:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: curious expressions
Subject: RE: BS: curious expressions
Somebody all wrapped up on the couch (sofa) in a blanket is "all comfy-cozy" and "snug as a bug in a rug."

I remember the phrase "pig in a poke" but not what it refers to or what larger expression it's part of.

Someone who has started a project to large or complicated for them to finish has "bitten off more than they could chew."

If you dish up a bunch of food on your plate but can't finish it all, "your eyes are bigger than your stomach."

"Crazier than a hoot-owl"

Someone who talks a lot but never says anything, or an explanation that doesn't really explain, "generates more heat than light."

When things are going awry they're "going to Hell in a hand-basket."

If I exasperated my mother or grandmother, they would threaten to put me on a "slow boat to China," or to "knock [me] clean into tomorrow," or "give [me] what-for."

In disbelief my grandmother would say, "the hell you bellar!" (I always thought that "bellar" was an insult -- like "you idiot" -- eventually the light bulb came on and I realized it was a verb equivalent roughly to "holler"!)

My grandfather would compare things by saying "it's a damned sight nearer" or "a damned sight closer" -- this was never literal (for actual distance) but rather figurative for "more like" -- e.g. "baseball is a damned sight nearer to kick the can than it is to cricket."

This is a great thread! I miss my grandparents dearly and this brings them a little closer.
