The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3082037
Posted By: Lox
25-Jan-11 - 08:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice

I disagre on one point.

Kerbcrawling consenting prostitutes is illegal - and should be.

Likewise, adults in cars effectively kerbcrawling underage girls should also be illegal.

I believe that there are other good reasons, including those to do with traffic safety, why kerbcrawling any woman should be illegal, and I believe that that is a realistic preventative solution to this problem.

I think it woud be a whole lot more effective than asking the local vicar to give a sermon to the faithful when they pop in to say their evening prayers.


In my opinion It depends what you are saying and how you frame it.

If you are exploring the matter of first cousin marriage, then absolutely not.

If you say "most" oor "a minority" then you give an indication of the extent to which this may or may not happen.

But if you say "it is common ... therefore ..." to prove a generalized point about Pakistanis, without exploring the issue further or indeed showing any genuine interest in that subject, then you have jumped the gun, and your argument begins to look highly suspect.

But before we go too far from this tangent, that isn't the subject matter and as such is a red herring.

The assertion here is that Young Pakistani boys are conditioned to view White girls as legitimate targets for sexual assult by their community and their culture.


Yes there is evidence that the culture in which both Pakistani and White Gangsters exist MAY be an influence on their contempt for women, but that ACTUAL culture is more significantly informed by the tabloid press and by "banter" at football matches, and a general British culture (documented and discussed in another thread) of blaming the woman for sexual assault against her on the grounds that shes "asking for it"

I would bet any money that evry one of the gangsters, Pakistani or otherwise, used that kind of language to dehumanize their victims and legitimize their actions.