The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135157   Message #3082483
Posted By: Donuel
25-Jan-11 - 09:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
Subject: RE: BS: Why are there so many idle people here?
Idle is an illusion.

I'm currently a house husband with two school boys and am nursing my wife who is unable to walk due to a fall outside that shattered her knee cap. Surgury is upcoming.


I am also facing forclosure in 55 days over a 3k tax lein and house auction which we have settle each year for the last 5 years but keeps showing up as if someone is purposefully re submiting old business every year. Its as if lawyers have found a way to create work for themselves.


I am truely thankful that I am now able to walk freely since last year at this time it was my turn for getting around on crutches.

My posts are more often whimsical and supportative to individuals that need a lift and reason for hope because I have recieved the same, right here over the last 12 years.