The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135235   Message #3083358
Posted By: maeve
27-Jan-11 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Some Coyote Information
Subject: RE: BS: Some Coyote Information
Additional signs that local coyotes are losing their fear of humans
from this link:NY State info. for Nuisance Wildlife Control operatorO

"Some coyotes in suburbia have lost their fear of people. A coyote who does not fear people should be considered dangerous. The foods they find in residential areas (garbage, pet food, pets) are full of human odors, so these coyotes quickly learn to associate food with people. That's bad. Many people become frightened when they see coyotes, and run into their homes. That's even worse. To a coyote, that person has just behaved like prey (running triggers their attack response). In short, food smells like people and people behave like prey. Add to the mix people intentionally feeding coyotes, and the potential for a coyote attack becomes very real.

Certain changes in coyote behavior seem to indicate a growing risk that coyotes will become aggressive toward people (based on studies of coyote-human conflicts in California). The signs are shown in the order they usually happen.

   1. During the night, coyotes kill more pets than they did before
   2. During the night, coyotes are seen on streets and in yards more often than before
   3. Coyotes are now seen in those areas during the day, especially early morning and late afternoon
   4. During the day, coyotes chase or kill pets (previously, only a night-time activity)
   5. During the day, coyotes kill pets that are on leash (previously, they only took free-roaming pets), or chase joggers and bikers
   6. At midday, coyotes are seen near children's play areas

Coyotes are generally nocturnal, so increasing daytime activity is often a sign that those animals have become used to people. Such boldness should be taken seriously. The California study suggests that if the situation is addressed before pet attacks are common, further problems can probably be avoided."