The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134568   Message #3083526
Posted By: Tinker
27-Jan-11 - 03:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: ...looks like snow for many
Subject: RE: BS: ...looks like snow for many
Just got in from shoveling ... we got 19 inches last night. and unusually for New Jersey nothing is melting !!

The banks on the sides of the driveway are now over my head.

Bubba went out this morning to shoulder high new snow and was not amused. His old man hips are now requiring that we shovel an area out, because if the gets too big a chill he has difficulty getting back up the stairs.

They are saying snow showers the next two days and a clipper headed our way with 1 to as much as 6 inches on Tuesday....

I've had enough.