The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134568   Message #3083663
Posted By: Bobert
27-Jan-11 - 06:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: ...looks like snow for many
Subject: RE: BS: ...looks like snow for many
Sheet fire!!!

9-10 inches, a half mile long drive way that goes straight up one way and straight down another and so yesterday afternoon about 4;00 pm with about 4 inches on the ground and comin' down fast I decided I'd drive the Kabota down to the mailbox... Only problem was that I found it to have a flat right front tire???

"This ain't good" I was thinkin' so I cranked the tractor up and used the bucket to life the front tires off the floor of the equipment shed, they it in the back of mt Toyota 4WD truck and headed down to Reed's tire, got there okey, got a new tube and headed back dodgin' three stuck folks on the side of Pine Grove Holler Road but kept movin' until turnin' in my drive way (straight up) and just laid into her and we fishtailed all the way up the 1/2 mile long driveway, used the ehadlights on the truck to find all the lug nuts and got the tire back on just in time for Beer O'Clock...

Spent 4 hours this morning plowing and pushing snow but the driveway is passable long as you ain't an a Chevy Impala 'er a pickup truck without 4 WD...

Grrrrrrrrr... I hate snow... I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!!!


p.s. I hate snow...