The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134346   Message #3083714
Posted By: Bobert
27-Jan-11 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: New Beginnings - new foundation (maeve & TL)
Subject: RE: BS: New Beginnings - new foundation (maeve & TL)
I love it...

This is pioneer spirit... Hey, next thing ya' know TL will have some 'lectricty hooked up to the hot water heater and ya'll have hot water...

What ya'll doin'??? Just energizing the pump to fill the tank??? Hmmmmmm??? (Bobert wheels spinnin' here a little"...)

Okay, seems like if ya'll can do that then, then, ahhhhhhh, maybe a wall switch to the pump... (No, BObert, the pump is 220 volts...) oh, I got it... I got a 220 volt disconnect on my air compressor... Little handle on the side of the box and, and, and.... hmmmmm? yeah, it will work... Tell TL that all he needs is a cheap disconnect box and then you can have cold water from it and route another CPVC line to the hot water tank and, and, ahhhhh, hmmmmmmm???? Yeah, I think ya'll have hot and cold water...

Sheet fire... I understand it... I really do... Have TL email me and we can get you up and running... BTW, I'm sure that you have a 4 inch pipe in the basement that goes to yer ceptic & drain field and I can see a makeshift shower and sink... I really can...

When we moved up here we had to shut everything down... Well almost everything... And I had an old heavy plastic lavatory sink that seemed to get moved every day... Same as when I was doing a renovation on an old (1826) building in Winchester... Seemed that we were always movin' the toilet around... Never bolted it down... Just pick it up and move it where it would work but wouldn't interfere with the job...
