The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135243   Message #3083716
Posted By: GUEST
27-Jan-11 - 08:05 PM
Thread Name: TECH HELP Please
Subject: RE: TECH HELP Please
It is a slippery slope, an angle of decline.

Mudcat - the frontier forerunner of American folk and blues digital ...mushed into "world" tunes ... into "good thoughts aka healing" .... and slowly slides into "expertise" on anything TECH from "home acoustics-scanners-cameras-printers-OS (Lynix to UNIX - MAC to PC)

The same "wicked ones" will do anything to dilute this forum.


MAX - return to your Most Recent Mission Statement (2006?)
Call Dick/Susan/Joe/John into a conference call - decide the future of Mudcat...or just let go...everything that could be added has been ... and WayBack has it all.