The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135235 Message #3083807
Posted By: Sandy Mc Lean
28-Jan-11 - 12:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Some Coyote Information
Subject: RE: BS: Some Coyote Information
The day before yesterday as I was heading to Halifax a deer ran across the road about 500 feet ahead of me. Hot on its trail was a pack of four coyotes. It ran into the woods on the far side and probably met its demise in the deeper snow. These canines are classed as Eastern Coyotes but they are much different from their western cousins in size and behavior. They run and hunt in packs with an alpha male and female as do wolves. They also move into urban areas preying on garbage and pets as wolves do not. They are very elusive and hard to hunt or trap, like a true coyote and are highly intellegent like a German Shepherd, and larger ones are about the same size. In winter when their fur is thick and full they are a beautiful animal and most keep to the forest, but some are aggressive and dangerous.