The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3084006
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
28-Jan-11 - 09:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
""Don, on 24th January I said about this issue "It is nothing to do with Islam. "
I do not "see the problem as a Muslim one,"
I have always said specifically that it is not.

Since you enjoy flinging around comments about the rest of us misrepresenting your attitudes, the following might be of interest:

You also made other comments Keith.

21st Jan ""Christians more than any other faith group are being persecuted and killed for their religion, by muslims, in places like Egypt, Pakistan, Indonesia, Philipines.
There is also the treatment of individuals who choose to leave Islam.

Followed by a long list of "Muslim" atrocities in the next post.


21st Jan   ""I know from personal experience that extremism as a mind-set is spreading throughout the Muslim world.""

21st Jan   You also cited statements by Nazir Ali in support of your arguments. Of course he is a lapsed Muslim who has converted to Roman Catholicism. So, no possible biased agenda there then.

21st Jan   ""OK, but tell us why we should dismiss him and listen to you.""   

See above.

23rd Jan   ""Girls from respectable families have given their stories of being enticed away from shopping malls in daylight.
Not all white either.
Just not muslim.
They are off limits to young muslim men.

24th Jan   ""She was an MP for an area with a large Pakistani community, and her vote largely came from that community.
A respected and knowledgeable authority on this issue.

An authority who stated that this is almost exclusively an Asian problem. I'm with Lox….What planet is she living on? Of course, as an ex MP she is no longer swayed by the need for their votes.

At least Jack Straw had the good grace to remark that sex crimes in general were disproportionately a "White" problem, a point which you chose to ignore.

You also chose to ignore the Police Inspector (who one might suspect is more of an authority on crime than Ann Cryer), when he said "What no-one is saying is that the Pakistani community is responsible for the majority of sex crimes: This is just an element of sex crimes in general.

This is a specific problem within a group of people in a minority community."

24th Jan   ""For many, the outrage becomes a shrug when the perpetrators are a minority of Muslims and the victims white.""

This is an example of how you debate without accusations or attacks on the integrity of opponents........I see.

24th Jan   You quoted: FORMER Detective Superintendent Mick Gradwell, who was East Lancashire's top detective when he retired from the force last year, tells why he agrees with Jack Straw's controversial comments on sex grooming.

"WHEN I came to Blackburn in the 1970s, one of my main issues was the gangs of Asian men outside the old nightclub on top of the shopping centre who were picking up drunk white girls, specifically to abuse them."

1.   His mind reading skills must have stood him in good stead as a detective, if he was able to read their intentions so accurately........Oh Puhlease!
2.   He doesn't mention that there were also large numbers of white lads with, possibly, the same intentions. I'll bet a packet that there were.

I have little trouble divining what was on his mind when he said that.

24th Jan   ""This particular crime, dubbed street grooming, is the domain of male muslim gangs according to the people in a position to know.""

The wildest generalisation yet!

25th Jan   Lox said: "You argue that the Moslem Pakistani community are responsible for the actions of organized criminals."

You replied: ""No, I do not.""

See the above post

Also, you agree with Ann Cryer, when that was the whole tenor of her speech.

28th Jan   ""No one should dismiss informed opinion.
Cryer and Straw are well informed.
I still think the suggestion is a reasonable one.
Why don't you?

Yet you ignored a most important point in Jack Straw's comment, both when he said it, and again when I pointed it out to you.

28th Jan I posted: "There are wall to wall available girls in every town centre, and the idea that Muslim lads haven't noticed that is frankly laughable"

Your response:   ""Er....,

And another point slides effortlessly over the head. Willing girls kind of make rape unnecessary my friend, and it seldom makes sense to take the line of most resistance, or do you also believe that Muslim boys are stupid as well as criminal?

It's also worth remembering that just about every nightclub in the country has its coterie of girls who are there specifically to "pull", which suggests a different motive than that which you seek to ascribe to these criminals.

All in all you haven't managed to convince that one comment denying an Islamic cause outweighs the multitude of opposing posts.

Will you now be leaving this thread, or was that offer only open to Lox?

Don T.