The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3084137
Posted By: Lox
28-Jan-11 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
I think they are massive simplifications of a more complex issue with numerous observable levels.

I think in Britain these things are becoming less and less prevalent.

In the papers we read about young Moslem Women changing "cultural norms" and speaking out against the old ways - in fact, we have been reading about his stuff for at least a decade.

In addition, when teenage and young adult females clad in full Hijab try to flirt with you, you learn pretty quickly just how "repressed" they are.

I knew several young men and teenage boys with young Moslem girlfriends where I lived. It was common and the "community" did nothing to repress their relationships.

It was a typical poor Ghetto of any town. Kids were disillusioned by the opportunity's they had, and they smoked fags in the street and they smoked Pot behind my house as mine was the last street in the row.

The lads were tough talking street kids - who went to mosque etc - I was friendly with them, male and female.

As I said, it was less 13th century than it was 1955 - except that while the parents were 1955, the kids were very 2005.

There were of course varying degrees of freedom amongst women, and there were some conservative families, and some less conservative families.

The toughest talking wildest lads did not come from families where dad had a beard and mum wore a bhurka, but from families where Dad was an alcoholic who lived somewhere else now that mum had succesfully got an injunction out against him.

So if its causes of crime you want, you can see a strong common denominator there shared with criminals from other racial and religious backgrounds.

And that common denominator is the usual combination of poverty, broken home, living in a ghetto with no voice and no knowledge of how to seek your fortune and no hope -> what difference does it make if I join a gang -> at least i won't be a sad twat like my dad, or like miggins over there who works in McDonalds -> Nope - I'm gonna make some money and be somebody, with a flash car etc etc ... a hustler - a high roller - a pimp - just like in the songs.

You want to blame culture, blame our corporate propaganda machine that sells stereotypes and lifestyles by the pound - this is the girl you need - these are the clothes you need ... etc

And even all that hardly constitutes a Beginning - let alone a conclusion.

As long as Mysoginy sells there will be mysoginysts - though I can't guarantee that I'll be able to spell it properly.