The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #134346 Message #3084324
Posted By: Bobert
28-Jan-11 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: New Beginnings - new foundation (maeve & TL)
Subject: RE: BS: New Beginnings - new foundation (maeve & TL)
Hmmmmmmm???? Somethin' ain't right here, maeve...
Where yer well cap is you will find the wires and the 1 inch black plastic (or galvanized pipe)... If you remove the cap they are all there and that is all you need... I can see how the wiring in the house and maybe even some of it underground to the cap might be burned but I can assure you that the fire wouldn't have damage a well or the pipe or the wires going down to the pump...
Me thinks you need a second opinion... Pioneer life is bad enough but if you can have yer own water whenever you want it it's there for the taking without alot of fuss or muss...
I can walk TL thru this if he wants to do it himself or any electrician can jerry-rig it in less than an hour... And, yes, it will be perfectly safe...