The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135275   Message #3084918
Posted By: Jeri
29-Jan-11 - 06:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rabbis Push FOX to Bust Beck...
Subject: RE: BS: Rabbis Push FOX to Bust Beck...
Bobert, that stuff about having to follow orders is bullshit. You follow an illegal one, and you go to jail for it. No, it's not a democracy, but every individual is accountable for their actions.

Beck and Limbaugh can shoot their mouths off forever. The people who listen to them are all individually accountable for their actions. Each person who kills someone because they thought someone else told them to is STILL accountable. It doesn't matter if it's a guy who thought Beck told him to shoot someone, and it doesn't matter if it's Manson thinking the Beatles' songs told him to kill. It still comes down to the guy who pulls the trigger.

The gripe I have is that we, as a society, have encouraged stupidity. People have been conditioned to be followers. If they do "question authority", then "authority" is all they question. There are enough stupid people who always believe the guy on the internet or the TV who claims something be a lie, or bad just because it comes from the government. The "always disbelievers" aren't any different or any less dangerous than the "always believers", and they certainly aren't any smarter. They're the same folks who go after people here instead of ideas.

They are fundamentally too stupid to evaluate any idea unless they can lump it together with that person or that side's other ideas and attack the person, or the side.

In a perfect world, nobody would shoot Beck or any other bigmouth, but people would be smart enough to check for and recognize the truth of what those idiots spout.