The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135297   Message #3085164
Posted By: BrooklynJay
30-Jan-11 - 08:04 AM
Thread Name: Tech: DT - Trouble accessing pages
Subject: RE: Tech: DT - Trouble accessing pages

The first link you provided won't work for me. There is no problem with the other two.

I have an old computer, and my Internet Explorer is an earlier version than what folks are using now. My browser can't be updated, however. Again, I never had trouble with this (on Mudcat) until now.

Reminds me of another discussion board website I belong to: several months ago, a similar problem happened as far as accessing that website. Then, after several days, the problem mysteriously cleared up on its own. This all leads me to believe that my tetchy old ComputerSaurus is probably at the root of the problem. It also might have something to do with the ads on those pages. Since I'm not very computer-literate, it's just a stab in the dark.

But at least I know now that DT information can be accessed in other ways.
