The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3085209
Posted By: Lox
30-Jan-11 - 09:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Actually Smedley, and Keith, I would not care to explain any more testimony provided.

When Keith has found proof of his hypothesis that sex crimes committed by Pakistani men are the result of a diffenert motivation to sex crimes committed by any other demographic, he may draw my attention to it by starting a thread on thiat subject.

Until then, there is no reason why I should bother trawling along on this thread ad infinitum.

Lord Ahmed doesn't speak for inner city Pakistanis any more than Gaddafi does.

He may be Moslem, but that does not make him any more representative of Workig Class Moslems than Nick Clegg is of working class whites.

I wish you luck.