The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135275   Message #3085262
Posted By: Bobert
30-Jan-11 - 11:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rabbis Push FOX to Bust Beck...
Subject: RE: BS: Rabbis Push FOX to Bust Beck...
We don't have "free enterprise, Tac... We have a socialistic system that has been devised to let the Fat Cats win 'um all... There has to be a level playing field to have "free enterprise"... What we have are cooked books and cooked laws... Nuthin' free about that...

BTW, go to the top and click on "start new thread" then you'll have some options on the left to choose from... One will be "BS"... Chick on it an' you'll be rockin' n' rolling in the Mudpit...
