The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135275   Message #3085278
Posted By: Taconicus
30-Jan-11 - 12:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rabbis Push FOX to Bust Beck...
Subject: Economics and the Mudpit
We don't have "free enterprise, Tac... We have a socialistic system that has been devised to let the Fat Cats win 'um all... There has to be a level playing field to have "free enterprise"... What we have are cooked books and cooked laws... Nuthin' free about that...

I can't believe we agree about something, Bobert. It's not exactly socialistic, but it's a kind of socialistic economics just as fascism is a form of socialism. It's been called corporatism, and it's the form used by the fascist governments of the 1930s, and favored by the Obama administration and the Democrat party today. In a corporatist system, corporations are controlled by the state "for the good of the people." The government gains control, which is what statists want, and the corporations gain government monopolies and protection both monopolistic and financial (bailouts, etc.) Small businesses cannot compete because of all the special deals granted the corporations and all of the regulations imposed on small business, and the economy (and therefore the people) suffer. Free enterprise is what made the American economy great, and we have not had free enterprise for a long time.

Whenever government gets into bed with business, just as when government gets into bed with religion, at least one of them always ends up raping the other.

BTW, go to the top and click on "start new thread" then you'll have some options on the left to choose from... One will be "BS"... Chick on it an' you'll be rockin' n' rolling in the Mudpit....

Thanks. "Mudpit" is an appropriate name for this area, I suppose.