The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135275   Message #3085626
Posted By: Bill D
30-Jan-11 - 09:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rabbis Push FOX to Bust Beck...
Subject: RE: BS: Rabbis Push FOX to Bust Beck...
"I thought I explained above that I was talking about government control of the economy, and economic matters."

hmm? I'd have to go back and see. I can't think how a fellow of my careful *grin* nature would have missed that.

I am basically a Democrat...who 'has' voted for a few Republicans. My personal opinions are all over the map. There are areas (immigration, for example) where a simple yes-no 'might' sound like I'm a conservative Republican, but never for the same reasons that a conservative would hold the position.
   I voted for JFK, was very active in the civil rights area..(two trips to Mississippi for voting rights).. actually ran for state senate in Kansas in 1968 (to defeat an avowed bigot).. I am mostly a practical realist who moved from the Methodist church to Unitarianism to .... rabid skeptic. Progressive? uhhh..not exactly. Leftist? nawww...but I can see it from here. A Democrat because they don't HAVE parties to fit all the possibilites, and Democrats usually do more of the things I approve of...and lately the Republicans are doing a lot I DISapprove of.

I worked briefly for EPA and moved from Kansas to the Wash DC area in 77... and I have strong opinions in environmental issues.

You care to give a similar brief history? (What general area do you inhabit?)