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Thread #135264   Message #3085997
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
31-Jan-11 - 01:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Middle East Unrest
Subject: RE: BS: Middle East Unrest
Little Hawk is quite correct, in his regards to 'Democracy'...then someone posted that 'they won't shut off the internet here'...even thought Obama has been pushing for the 'off switch' for the internet??...and 'Health Care' in its present form, was passed AGAINST the will of the majority of our 'Democracy'?....Jeez, sounds like Egypt...How'd that happen??

What is happening is this, and make no America drops deeper into debt, those places in the world which negotiated 'peace' with a price tag attached, such as the Camp David Accords, where Israel and Egypt have a truce and we assured Egypt military aid at 1.5 to 3 BILLION dollars(the figures vary depending on the reports), the enemies of the United States, are kicking the legs out of our allies, who are relying on that aid to maintain 'Peace'....therefore, wearing us down a 'cut at a time'....Meanwhile, our local morons keep asking for MORE spending, and are being obliged by corrupt 'Representatives' who have a profit to make...and while this present administration rifles the Treasury, and beyond, way into the future. All China, Saudi Arabia and others have to do is 'call in their debt, and its all over. By the way, have you noticed how in the news, and in conversations that people are more concerned about a particular politicians 'career' that whether or not the are voting the will of the people they claim to represent???..Then, they work the spin, after the fact, to get you to swallow the bullshit??????

J-Boy, Glad you dug the IS a lot more dialed in than the 'politically correct crowd' would ever allow themselves to admit..even though, it SHOULD scare the shit out of them!