The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135345   Message #3086214
Posted By: Taconicus
31-Jan-11 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Schumer on CNN, the new Potatoe?
Subject: RE: BS: Schumer on CNN, the new Potatoe?
No, you don't understand how it works. If a Democrat senator thinks the three branches of government are House, Senate, and President, it's just an innocent slip of the tongue. If a vice president gets the national motto completely backwards, going on for 20 minutes in a speech about how diversity fits right in with the national motto of "many from one," or if President Obama pronounces corpsman several times in the speech "corpse-man," those are just innocent slips of the tongue because we know that Democrats are actually super intelligent – don't expect to see much about it in the newspapers.

But if a Republican vice president goes to a spelling bee photo-op and reads the spelling potatoe verbatim from the back of a card that was just handed to him by the public school English teacher who is running the spelling bee, or if a Republican president mispronounces nuclear, it's complete proof that they are utter imbeciles, and you'll read about it in headlines and in the national media for months.