The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3086245
Posted By: Steve Shaw
31-Jan-11 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Oh God, please read the thread, will you. Nice recanting there, by the way, saying that you were being "light-hearted." Ha bloody ha. And the Daily Mail bit of mine you quoted was a deadly serious challenge to your received wisdoms. I repeat. Show me that these young men did what they did in the name of Islam and I'll let you off saying your intolerant things like "Pakistani Muslim men towards young British girls..."

To show I make an effort, I read that tosh from Ms Phillips, whom God preserve, that you linked to. How wonderful the experience was. I mean, take this gem:

And the problem with the gay agenda, it has always seemed to me, is that it has sought instead to commandeer the public sphere by ­dictating a profound change in the moral norms of our society — indeed, to destroy the very idea of moral norms at all.

Ha, whose moral norms? Hers? (heaven forfend!) Christian ones? Establishment ones? Nice bit of moral imperialism there!

To cap that, as if that were possible, she doesn't miss the opportunity further down the article to have a pop at Islamic attitudes to gay people. Well, there's irony for you!