The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19122   Message #308677
Posted By: Bill D
29-Sep-00 - 10:46 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Barbara Allen (different versions)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'Barbara Allen' different versions
Since Barbry Allan is supposed to be the most widely collected/known ballad in English, there are now SO many slight variants that it is well-nigh impossible to pin them down.

The FSGW's own David Olive, who died tragically a few years ago, once contributed HIS version in an open sing on "love songs".....a full scale country/rock thing which began:

Ba, Ba, Ba...Ba-Barbry Allan
Ba, Ba, Ba...Ba-Barbry Allan...and continued on, doing the entire ballad like "Rock Around the Clock"....we sat transfixed!