The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3087137
Posted By: MGM·Lion
02-Feb-11 - 07:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"Yeah, well, that's religion for you. The majority of Christians sit back and let the Pope spread his ill-considered dogma about birth control around the world, forcing millions of African women into poverty and ill-health. If you're not anti-Islam tell me why you single out Muslims for this responsibility to speak out."====

I don't dispute what you say, Steve. But the answer to your question is that, despite the Pope's authority over some of his own co-religionists [mainly, as you say, in the 3rd World ~~ I think few Euro RCs practise birth control much these days ~~ have you read David Lodge's "How Far Can You Go?"?] ~~ Xtianity is not nowadays a proselytising religion as it was in the days of the Crusades & The Holy Office [Inquisition]. OTOH the function of Islamist Jihad is Da'wa. That is the aim of the Islamists & the reason for Taleban & 9/11 & so forth. They see an entirely Muslim world as their holy, Koran-commanded, mission, and will use any means possible, from stoning adutresses to flying planes into skyscrapers, to achieve it.

AND WHATEVER YOU MAY SAY, YOU KNOW I AM RIGHT & it is idle to deny it. You know as well as I do that that is where the current danger lies as adduced in my previous post to which you responded as above. In sum, the Pope is not trying to take over the world; Bin-Laden, Al-Qaeda, Taleban, the Islamist movement, ARE; and you know it.

I hope that answers your question.
