The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135390   Message #3087609
Posted By: Jeri
02-Feb-11 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: It's a Yurt...Maeve & Truelove
Subject: RE: BS: It's a Yurt...Maeve & Truelove
If you use the links for "d" (50 posts, in descending order) or the number (also 50 posts at a time) you should NOT have problems. I think it's a case of people limiting what they can do here and what forcing OTHER people to do things to accommodate them based on what they are or are not willing to try/learn... unless you guys can't load 50-post threads.

Anyway, I look forward to more posts about the progress. I bet you can't wait for your new home to be habitable, but winter sure doesn't seem to be making things easy. All the sweeter when you ARE able to move in.