The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135390 Message #3087724
Posted By: VirginiaTam
03-Feb-11 - 02:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: It's a Yurt...Maeve & Truelove
Subject: RE: BS: It's a Yurt...Maeve & Truelove
Our log home always smelled of wood even 15 years into living in it. It was about 3 years old when we moved in. Of course that is much more exposed surface area of wood. You may get accustomed to the smell and think the scent not strong enough. But if you go away for a couple of days you will realise how strong it is. It also gets stronger in summer time. Every spring and fall I used an upholster brush to vacuum the dust off the log and it would refresh the scent too.
Very excited and happy for you and TrueLove. Big grin for and from me this morning reading this thread.