The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3087761
Posted By: Lox
03-Feb-11 - 04:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"Lox has suggested it has to do with their cars."

No Keith -

Once again you fail to respond to my actual post, so instead you make up a point of view and respond to that instead.

So you are creating straw men again

Which is basically telling lies.

What I said was that the only factor which distinguishes these abductions and rapes from those committed by other non Pakistani gangs is that the victims were abducted in cars fgrom the street.

Apart from that, there is no difference in the way these girls were abducted and raped.

So was the manner in which they were abducted and raped particularly Pakistani by nature?

No it wasn't.

"He once lived near some BPs."

No, I lived in a predominantly Moslem Pakistani area for nearly two years.

Another lie.

Is that really the only way you have of responding to my points? Lie about what I said?

The rest of the same post also indicates that you have completely ignored everything I have explained to you.


Just to clarify: - if you read back you will see that I called the hypothesis that British Pakistanis are culturally disposed to paedophilia and rape a racist hypothesis.

That is not the same as calling keith a racist, but it does beg the question, why is he so single mindedly sticking up for it to the exclusion of all other possibilities.


""BP" as you call them, are only overrepresented in these cases."

Note the words "in these cases".

In other words, in crimes committed by "predominantly" British Pakistani Gangs, i.e gangs that are predominantl;y made up of british pakistanis, it can be observed, that the criminals are preominantly Pakistani.

I think we should award Keith a Phd for deducing that revealing insight.

SHOCK HEADLINE - 90% of Pakistani gang members are Pakistani!

Keith A of Hertford, a prominent blogger today stated that this shows that Pakistani culture is naturally predisposed to rape and paedophilia.

Empasse? ... followed by straw men? ...

... exactly how many lies do you want me to allow to go unchallenged?