The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3088412
Posted By: Lox
04-Feb-11 - 04:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"The crime we are discussing is street grooming."

More disingenuous claptrap.

The crime mate is Rape.

Street Grooming is the means by which these rapists capture their victims.

"Er, because there are so many, buried in long, multiple posts."


"There are some things I intended to address but overlooked."

are both at odds with the claim: "you can not challenge what I say".

In addition, you admit that you aren't even reading my posts properly before you reply to them and that that is somehow my fault for posting thorough argument.

Which in turn shpws that you are respondiong to selectively chosen lines out of context.

I suggest that before you respond to my posts any more, you Read them and digest what my actual arguments are.

It will require the use of your brain, and concentration, which you may find arduous and inconvenient, but which may help you at least to stop contradicting yourself.

Who knows, you may even find a genuine argument to support your hypothesis.

By the way keith, a SMEAR is a LIE told to discredit somebody.

Lord Ahmed is a convicted criminal, convicted in a criminal court, of a crime, and jailed for it.

No smear there, all evidentially supportable fact.

Not that it has any bearing on the argument, I just thought it funny that you should be condemning the criminal tendancies of british Pakistanis on the basis of a comment from ... a Pakistani criminal ...

Finally, I laughed at loud at your mealy mouthed dissociation from your own hypothesis ...

... how did it go again? it wasn't your hypothesis it was theirs, it was only yours because you argued it on this thread ... so if you hadn't been on this thread it wouldn't have been your hypothesis ...

Ahhh .... so its the threads fault you had that hypothesis is it ... did it make you have that hypothesis? ...

... nasty mean thread!

What other preposterous self satirizing crap are you going to come up with next I wonder ...