The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3088489
Posted By: Lox
04-Feb-11 - 07:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Once again Keith, you attempt to divert attention away fromn the fact that you have failed utterly to explain your long string of self contadictions and to answer any of the questions or arguments put to you.

You allege that you don't have time to read my posts, but you do have time to go trawling through the Daily Mail.

But of course you haven't actually taken the time to read the article she posted.

It talks about violence against a wife from her husband.

It talks about Pakistani men being unfaithful to their wives with white girlfriends.

it talks about young Pakistani men cruising for White girls.

And it talks about a man who subjected his wife to violence and rape and then subjected young white girls to rape.

i.e. he was a brute and a rapist from the word go.

Why hasn't he been arrested for these crimes?

Why didn't Yasmin Alibhai Brown go straight to the police - "officer, a man has just confessed to me that he has committed numerous acts of statutory rape"?

She holds him up as a martyr and glowingly reports as to his helpful charity work ...

There are deep and unpleasant inconsistencies in her story.

In addition, we know from the verified report that the crimes reported in the times were organized by a gang annd that the ringleaders were convicted.

Why has this guy been spared?

Keith meanwhile argues that when men are lonely they go out to rape to seek emotional succour.

What the fuck do you think rape is?

Do you think its about lonely people looking for someone to make them feel less lonely?

Such an outrageous load of tripe deserves no response.

On the subject of cultural disposition toward violence agiainst wives,

did you know that in the UK marital rape wasn't a crime until 1992 because legally a wife was considered the property of her husband in common Law?

So how much does that cultural aspect of BRITISH Pakistanis lives affect cases of domestic violence?

Is there anything peculiarly pakistani about the crime of domestic violence?


And finally, Keith thinks that my contention that there is no support for the idea that British Pakistani culture is responsible for the abduction and rape of white girls does not represent British Pakistani views but only Moslem clerics.

In that case he must believe, if I am wrong, that British Pakistanis accept that they have a cultural predisposition to abduction and rape of underage girls.

hmmm ... how likely is that?

I think you would have to travel quite deep into the recesses of Keiths fantasy world to find existence of that paradigm.