The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135390   Message #3089068
Posted By: maeve
05-Feb-11 - 05:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: It's a Yurt...Maeve & Truelove
Subject: RE: BS: It's a Yurt...Maeve & Truelove
Our chooks are fine. They are in a coop inside a shed, with an insulated window for light and passive solar heat. With fresh warm water as often as needed, plenty of layer pellets and grains, and apples, they manage just fine.

When it's as cold as it is this week, they also get a warm oat mash with sunflower seeds and yoghurt. Usually they enjoy going outside on sunny days, but we're keeping them inside during this winter of severe weather. At night their own feathers and their roosting neighbors keep them warm.