The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135297   Message #3089151
Posted By: BrooklynJay
05-Feb-11 - 09:18 AM
Thread Name: Tech: DT - Trouble accessing pages
Subject: RE: Tech: DT - Trouble accessing pages
As of this morning, the DT problems mysteriously "healed" themselves. All DT links are now working fine.

I can't, for the life of me, figure out what happened. But, as I mentioned in an earlier post, there was a precedent for me on another website.

I did nothing out of the ordinary these past several days, other than the usual periodic rebooting of the computer and clearing my cache once or twice. Nothing made a bit of difference until I tried to access the DT just a little while ago and met with unexpected success.

Guess I'll never know what the trouble really was, but I won't look the gift horse in the mouth - I'm just happy to have full access to Mudcat once again.
