The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126126   Message #3089406
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
05-Feb-11 - 04:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Ancient Indigenous astronomers
Subject: RE: BS: Ancient Indigenous astronomers
The fact that this arrangement of rock was where it was in a largely intensively 'un'settled area meant that it has survived,

In Queensland for instance, rocks were dragged out of fields (during the period of The Kanakas) and stacked into stone fences around the cane fields - thousands of acres. Sadly most of these historical fences too have been carted away. Nobody would have cared if there were any 'interesting patterns'.

I have also heard tales (and while urban legends, there may doubtless have been real incidents) that if a farmer saw any 'interesting' bumps or areas of rock, he would run a plough over the field 'just in case'. This was in the days of the great fear of 'land rights', and the fear that the farmer would 'lose the land'. I grew up in the Bundaberg area.