The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3089636
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
06-Feb-11 - 04:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Islam, in my opinion, has a great many deep problems, caused by the many sick and dangerous individuals within it, many of whom have been almost brainwashed since birth to hate, hate, HATE.

It can only be cured by the truly peaceful and good Muslims themselves finally standing up TOGETHER and saying "ENOUGH! This is NOT being done in my/our names any longer!"

Many will not do that because they are frightened/terrified of the repercussions...and that in itself shows just how bad the evil is inside what is purported to be a religion of peace and love.

Just as the Roman Catholic Church is now blowing apart, as Truth starts to finally surface, so must Islam also blow itself apart, to rid itself of the evil that has overtaken it for far too long.

Quite frankly I'm sick to death of people being called 'racist' if they dare to stand up and say "You know what, this is so wrong!"....and it's that shocking attitude which has led us to the state the world is now in...

Wafa Sultan is one of the few Arab women who's had the guts to take a stand against the women haters, the bullies, the thugs and tyrants of Islam...and she now lives her life in the USA in hiding because of it, because those men know that she speaks the truth and is therefore a huge danger to them all.

I sometimes think that many do not truly understand the depth of evil that runs through Islam at the moment, or if they do, then they are too fucking scared to say so...

Personally, I'd like to see any crazed fundamentalist, whose sole purpose in life is to kill others or wreak terrible emotional or physical damage upon them, put up against a wall and shot.

I do not care from which religion those fundamentalists come, nor what the colour of the skin is either.

Evil is as Evil does...and this fuckingly troubled world right now is in the grip of some pretty Evil Folk who don't give a rat's arse for anyone or anything other than their own evil, cruel and bullying agendas.

We, The Good Men/Women and True have been way too silent for way too long, bullied into submission and silence by those who have decreed that no-one has the right to be judgemental or have an opinion, and if anyone DARES to do either, then they are hounded for being nothing more than right wing racists...

That idea, that principle, has allowed the Gates of Hell to swing wide open.....

It is way past time for the Good and True to close those gates, forever.

This world has changed beyond recognition. We now live in an Age of Suspicion at every turn, because we have allowed all of this shite to happen in the name of bloody 'political correctness'.

We have done so at our peril.

Only love can drive out hate.
But also, only truth can drive out lies.
Only Goodness can drive out Evil.

The choice belongs to the whole of Mankind, no matter what religion, what creed, what colour or background.

It's a simple and stark choice, and it's staring us all right in the face, challenging us as never before.

Whether we take up that challenge, time will tell...but I tell you what, if we don't then the world as I once knew it is going to hell on a handcart, and taking most of us with it, because the longer we take to wake up to Evil, the deeper this Evil will penetrate into all our socieities.