The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #111913   Message #3090166
Posted By: GUEST,Island Girl
06-Feb-11 - 10:33 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Hills of Isle au Haut (Gordon Bok)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Hills of Isle au Haut (Gordon Bok)
Well, I'm a damned fool.

Living on IAH year round and spending part of it fishing. We do still have a crude road going around the island, though a good portion of it is paved. The year round population is down to about 40-50 people. Both people and deer walk down the street. And dogs. And cats. Used to be turkeys but the coyotes got most of them. Still heavily wooded.

I often wonder about moving off the island. It doesn't make sense to stay here, it's small, it's more expensive than the mainland (except you don't buy as much stuff), and as my husband says "nothing's ever easy." But at the end of the day, here we are surrounded by the bay, forced to attend to the tides, the weather, and our neighbors. It's not easy, but it is a good way to live. And so when I think of moving, I am stymied- because there is no better place to go.

Plus we do have high speed internet, and a gourmet chocolatier now, so...!