The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135487   Message #3090384
Posted By: Joan from Wigan
07-Feb-11 - 09:02 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Brian Jacques (15June 1939 - 5 Feb 2011)
Subject: Obit: Brian Jacques 5 Feb 2011
I've just heard that Brian passed away in the early hours of Saturday 5th Feb from a heart attack.

Although more recently well-known as an author (Redwall series, etc), Brian was very well-known on the Liverpool folk scene in the 60s and 70s, as a solo artiste and as a member of The Liverpool Fishermen. My enduring memory of the Fishermen is their performance of "The Octopus Reel", where each played with one hand on his own instrument and his other hand on the next instrument in the line! Brian also played in a duo with Liz (I'm sure someone will remind me of the duo's name - I remember it was something nautical).

He was a very engaging and humorous performer, and I have many happy memories of him.
