The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3090487
Posted By: Lox
07-Feb-11 - 12:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"I claimed that Lox regards all ethnic minorities as being above criticism, and only allows Western culture to be questioned.

I had better withdraw, but at least it is not as nasty an accusation."
Actually Keith, i don't see this as a reaon to withdraw.

You can accuse me of anything you like and i won't be offended.

But if you commit to that claim you ave to be prepared to justify it one way or another.

That applies to any claim.

And if you make a claim that doesn't stand scrutiny and I care about the subject, then you can expect a robust response.

And if you make false claims to discredit me when you have no other argument left, then you can expect to be soundly rebutted.

My ego is not that sensitive.

I believe that my style of argument is honest and demands honesty from my opponent.

I have spent this thread attacking your arguments, your sources and your tactics.

I sometimes get very passionate about these things, and if I perceive that a debating opponent is being dishonest in his approach I will not give up until either I am ahown to be wrong, or until my opponent atarts being honest.

But You have done or said nothing that affends me personally.