The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135487   Message #3090773
Posted By: Noreen
07-Feb-11 - 07:08 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Brian Jacques (15June 1939 - 5 Feb 2011)
Subject: RE: Obit: Brian Jacques 5 Feb 2011
Sad news.

I remember Brian well from his Radio Merseyside broadcasts- I had some of his monologues recorded on tape and remember one in particular -about the Romans landing at Gladstone dock. The dockers told them where to go because they didn't have their Union cards, so they went to Chester which then became a port before Liverpool.

The only bit I can remember now is:

"...and then we'll build a cathedral, and we won't be praying for YOU!
Ah, go sling yer 'ook" said the dock gate cop,
"We've already got two!"

(I'd love to hear the rest of it again)

It was a great surprise to find him as the author of the Redwall books in later years when my son started reading them.

Rest in Peace, Brian.