The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #673   Message #30915
Posted By: Cuilionn
17-Jun-98 - 02:46 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Be Thou My Vision / Slane
Subject: RE: Be Thou My Vision -do ya know this Irish Tune
Jist repeatin' th' plea tae keep it current... Can ony guid folk supply me wi' Scots Gaelic wairds tae th' tune? I'm makin' th' roonds o' some grand ceilidhs richt soon, an' 'tis a central shame that I cannae yet claim ane guid Gaelic song as my ain piece tae share. A' th' ither lassies hae laid claim tae th' sangs o' tragic lovers, mermaids, an' th' Clearances, an' when I'm ca'd upon tae sing it'd be grand tae gie 'em sumpit they've nae haird least no' in Gaelic! Och, whae will help a puir lyric-lackin' lassie?

Chan eil fhios agam!
