The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5391   Message #30917
Posted By:
17-Jun-98 - 06:09 AM
Thread Name: Formatting threads
Subject: RE: Formatting threads
"View Source", or your browsers equivalent command is the best learning aid you've got. It will show you which HTML tags were used to get the effect you're interested in.

Personally I use only "basic" HTML tags so that the most primitive browsers (eg Lynx, on a public access terminal) will still be able to display the content.

Formatting tags I use:
<br> - line BReak
<p> - Paragraph (double line break)
<i> - Italic - </i>
<b> - Bold - </b>
<dl><dt><dd></dl> a list format to achieve indents.

Use View Source with this example:

John Kanaka-naka

I heard, I heard the Old Man say,
John kanaka-naka too-ri-ay.
Today, today's an holiday,
John kanaka-naka too-ri-ay.
Too-ri-ay, O - oh, too-ri-ay,
John kanaka-naka too-ri-ay.
