The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3091811
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
09-Feb-11 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
""I will just repeat a little of Lox's post above, in case you missed it.""

No, I didn't miss it DeG, but I'd like you to tell me which specific points in that post are in your opinion untrue, or substantially inaccurate?

If Lox has posted inaccurately to try to make a point, then your following comments are of course justified.

If however he has reported facts which are a matter of public record (as I am fairly certain he has), how does this in your or anyone else's estimation constitute "Western Culture bashing"?

You see, Keith, Ake, and MtheGM accusing us of being anti West is a very unsubstantial smokescreen designed to hide the fact that while we ask for a balanced response based on solid evidence, they have nothing more than a desire to bash Muslims based on equally unsubstantial opinion which must be true because they choose to believe it.

Tell me DeG, do you believe that in the last thirteen years in a coast to coast area ranging from the Midlands to the North of England there have been only 17 cases of street grooming, and all committed by just 50 Muslim Asians, 3 non Muslim Asians and 3 white men who may or may not be Muslims, as Keith repeatedly states in the hope that it will be accepted as fact.

Or do you perhaps accept my contention that it is much more credible that these are the only cases which have been extracted from the total figure of grooming in general, by those with an anti Muslim mindset who, like Keith and Co have seized with glee the opportunity to exercise their prejudice?

Why else would they steadfastly refuse even to consider the possibility that I could indeed be right? After all they believe Jack Straw without question, but then he has the same bias.

Don T.