The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3091909
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
09-Feb-11 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Dick. The fact is that wherever there are people in power, some people will abuse that power. No exclusions for catholics of whatever ancient city, moslems of whatever sect, politicians of whatever party or any other group you can mention.

Don. I have no idea whether what Keith says is true but unless someone can disprove it, factualy, I will give him the benefit of the doubt. I do know that what Lox said, be it true or not, was posted to paint 'British Culture' as something sordid against a background of moslem purity. Neither stand point is true. There is good and bad in all societies and it is tarring all people in that culture with the same brush that I dislike.

I have not heard Keith say that all Pakistanis (of whetever nationality) are child molesters. I have not heard Lox say that all British people pedle porn and sexualise young girls. All either have said is that certain members of those societies are guilty of some crimes. Surely that is taken as read? I don't understand your point. Why is saying one any worse than saying the other?

Now, I think I will go away and start a thread of how smelly, house metal freaks are predjudice aginst beer swilling, bearded folkies. Doubt if it will run as long though...