The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #655 Message #3092924
Posted By: GUEST,Loki
11-Feb-11 - 12:13 AM
Thread Name: Origin: Ho Young Rider (Yugoslavian round)
Subject: RE: Origin: Ho Young Rider (Yugoslavian round)
Wow, I like how many different versions of this round there are. My dad thought that "ducha moya" (though none of us would have known to spell it that way) might be a corruption of Timisoira (a city in Romania), I guess not, but it's cool to imagine some kind of wild carpathian landscape. Our lyrics were:
Young Rider, Apple-cheeked one Come hither riding On your horse so proud and prancing Come hither riding No matter where I ride, Slavic mountains at my side Ducha Moya Ducha Moya