The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135390 Message #3093517
Posted By: gnu
11-Feb-11 - 05:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: It's a Yurt...Maeve & Truelove
Subject: RE: BS: It's a Yurt...Maeve & Truelove
If you have a regular mattress, the fir is best left on the tree. Pine gum boiled on the stove in small amounts will help with the cold but I suppose that would be a bad thing to do in a trailer. No need to wake up with yer hair frozen to the window. I have seen that and it was hilarious at the time but not good in the long run.
An alternative is to stick a small drop of pine gum on the back of your eye teeth before you go to bed at night. Just make sure it's well stuck between the two eye theeth just below the gum line.