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Thread #135090   Message #3094204
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
13-Feb-11 - 04:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
OK, listen to this lady too. Here, Nonie tells how, when you're born your birth certificate is stamped 'Muslim'. You are not allowed to choose your religion, your way of life, you are literally 'committed to being a Muslim, whether you want it or not. And, you are not officially allowed to leave 'the state of Islam' either, because anyone who does is instantly at risk of being killed/murdered.

She tells how and why so many GOOD Muslims are frightened to speak out against the tyranny of modern day Islam, how 'former Muslims in America are in hiding, too frightened to speak out'...and how the Good and the Bad are moving out from the Middle East to all parts of the world.

You may find it hard to listen to....I hope you don't, because this woman is speaking the truth, and it's one that so many here seem to be in denial about. The longer you stay ostriches, the longer good and innocent people will have to suffer, both inside and outside Islam.

Nonie Darwish from 'Former Muslims Unite'

This is Part 1 of 3 videos which contains all 3 of the brave people from Former Muslims Unite who dared to speak out on US television.

It is these horror stories, which are true, sadly, whether folks in here like it or not, that cause 'Muslim Prejudice' around the world. That will not go away so long as ths evil tyrants of Islam are still in existence.

It is wrong to tar the good Muslims with the same brush as the evil ones, of course it is, but the evil is SO evil that it worries the shite out of many people around the world..and the silence about it, from the Muslim world itself, is deafening at times.

Perhaps, after watching these videos people may start to understand WHY so many good people keep their mouths shut and their eyes averted...

This evil, to me, comes from the same place as the Nazis, who ruled by fear and evil. Not all Germans were bad, of course they weren't...and so many would have been horrified at what was being done in their name...but sadly the evil won over the goodness of the German people, such was the power of that evil and the way it crept into the lives of every person, threatening every man, woman and child.

Speaking out about Islam should NOT be a crime, whether it comes from Muslims or Non-Muslims.

I cannot get my head around men who pour acid onto the faces of little girls who dare to go to school, purely to keep women from becoming educated.....I cannot get my head around anyone who would say that speaking out against that kind of perverted evil is remotely racist.

Wafa talks of how she receives death threats every day, how they know where her children are, how they are going to behead her....These guys are nuts...and it's not just the men because some women too have been trained to hate, to bully, to inform.....Every single day Wafa and other good Muslims live with the fear that this day may be their last, or the last for their children.

What is going on in the name of Allah is total evil and vile crap..and quite frankly the whole damned world should unite alongside every good Muslim on the planet to rid Islam of these nutcases once and for all, because if we don't, things are going to get worse.

Muslim law is being constantly pushed onto other countries..that is wholly wrong and should be fought against at every turn. Listen to Wafa and Nonie talking about it on the video, if you don't believe's in Part 2 of the second link above.

Former Muslims Unite - Website

We should also unite against all tyrants within all religions who dare to use the name of God for their perverted wickedness.