The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135661 Message #3094542
Posted By: GUEST,Richard
13-Feb-11 - 03:21 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Lost Gardeners of Heligan (Heslop)
Subject: Lyr Req: Helligan & the Somme
A decade or so ago, whilst visiting Uncle Geoff in Padstow, he played me a haunting tune on a cassette tape, a recording of a Radio Cornwall programme. The lyrics went something like 'there are orchids still in Helligan but Poppies at the Somme.' The song is about the men of Mevagissey who went to fight in WWI and left the Tremayne Estate Gardens to lie untouched until the early 90s. Can anyone point me in the direction of tune, lyrics, composer and performer? I barely remember the song but I remember the hair going up on the back of my neck and the lump in my throat. Any leads would be appreciated.