The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3094680
Posted By: Lox
13-Feb-11 - 07:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice

"Its hard to see what this argument is about. Apart from the fact that you don't trust each other."

The argument is as follows:

Keith Believes that British Pakistani culture predisposes British Pakistani Men to the trafficking and abuse of underage girls in a way that other cultures don't.

He believes it is this culturally inherent tendency that has motivated the crimes of recent reported cases of trafficking of underage girls for sexual slavery.

To quote him in a response to Don: "Don I do now " believe that all male Pakistani Muslims have a culturally implanted tendency""

He bases this on the OPINIONS of 3 politicians and a journalist, none of whom are qualified psychologists or anthropologists and none of whom have done any research in this field.

He also bases it on an article which in fact argues an opposing view when read closely.

And finally he argues it on the basis of the HUNCHES of two police officers.

He ignores more probable cultural factors, he certainly ignores the probability of other explanations, and he presents no evidence that all other explanations are improbable.

He remains loyal to his hypothesis through thick and thin regardless of what is said, whilst ignoring opposing arguments, fabricating points of view on behalf of his opponents and coming up with increasngly far fetched analogies and comparisons.

I thoroughly dispute his hypothesis as it is groundless and discriminates on the basis of race/culture, to the deliberate exclusion of all other factors.

I hope that has clarified the matter for you.