The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3094878
Posted By: Lox
14-Feb-11 - 04:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"Lox, BPs are massively over represented in infant mortality and serious, crippling childhood disease.
First cousin marriage is a part of BP culture.
By accepted theory, it is to blame."

Genetic science has done decades of research into the effects of procreation between siblings and cousins.

This has been the result of the application of rigorous scientific testing.

Otherwise known as scrutiny Keith.

So it follows that where more cousins procreate, there is a higher chance of birth defects in that community.

This is the exact opposite to your position Keith.

Your theory that British Pakistanis are culturally predisposed to making sex slaves of underage white grls is unsupported by any research or testing of any sort ... EVER.

And in fact, its longevity relies on you ignoring my arguments and making shit up.

So - one theory is reliable and well supported.

The other is full of holes and totally unsuported.

Anothger false comparison keith driving the nail mever more firmly into the coffin of your hypothesis.

Will you ressurect it for yet another pointless autopsy?

I suspect so.

But Alan, despite this glaring problem in Keiths position, he states: "Alan, it is a fair precis of my views"

Now - even if there were evidence, it would still be a hypothesis that discriminated on racial greounds.

In which case it would have been the first ever successful hypothesis in history to discriminate on racial grounds.

But in this case, the racial explanation is not the only one available, and of those available, it is not even the best.

But Keith insists on shutting out all other possibilities, and is loyal to it regardless of a lack of evidence, and a TOTAL lack of reliability when exposed to scrutiny.

Now - you can understand why I would be concerned that he has stuck to his guns, through thick and thin to defend an unsupported, fundamentally flawed hypothesis that discriminates on racial grounds.

It is very strange.

Almost as strange as the PMs I have received from people impersonating moderators who have been trying to threaten me to "accept that keith has won" or face the consequences.

So Keith - in the absence of reliable evidence or a sound argument, what is it about a racist hypothesis that you find so attractive?